The management of tool and machine servicing is an important part of MachineLOG IT. Semi-automatic collection of important information and knowledge sharing among technicians significantly accelerates the service process. Unnecessary delays and information noises are eliminated thanks to efficient communication, both with respect to service operations and transfer of a machine/tool to a different company.

Fast & Effective Service
Main benefits:
- Records of Service Operations
All service operations are recorded so that the same procedure can later be applied to the customer’s other machines with similar problems. Likewise, regular maintenance is monitored, prolonging the lifetime of the equipment and preventing complaint-related disputes. - Notification System
Each service entry is followed by an e-mail notification to the responsible person, which considerably reduces the risk of unawareness of new information and of service neglect. - Records of Communication
All communication processes are recorded, starting from the moment of problem notification through to the final solution. Thus, it is possible to verify at any time whether the agreed service operations were performed correctly and in time. - Owner Notification
The owner of a machine/tool is automatically notified of what jobs the machine or tool is being applied to. Having a detailed knowledge of the production process makes it possible to communicate more efficiently regarding the production process.